Louley's horses ...

... need sponsoring

and love to share !

Marinero XXI



Although most of our old horses left us, most of them between 30 and 40 years old, there are still a dozen of horses to be cared for at Louley’s horse forest. In order to find the financial means necessary to pay their food, regular veterinary care, hoof trims and dentistry, we need the help of all of you to support our efforts.


One of the best ways to do so is to take over a sponsorship. This also allows to build up a true relationship with « your » horse. Especially for children this is your chance to give them « their » horse to love and stay in touch with.

For the valid horses, we are also looking for experienced riders with horsemanship skills who want to share their time with the horses. Here, in the the very heart of nature, they will find top equipment, round pens, fields and paths to explore. If you want to participate, all you have to do is get in touch!


Naïa is a stout Comtois coldblood mare, who is now approaching her 24 years of age. For a coldblood horses this is quite a proud age!


Together with her foal Naïa was rescued from human cruelty by a befriended association La Lumière des Chevaux. We immediately adopter her and her "little" Biham in 2011.


Naïa is a heart on four legs. She is so gentle that she has been given the nickname "Big Mama". To everyone's amazement, Natarajah, who couldn't stand mares, fell head over heels in love with her. Today, the two are an inseparable couple.



Naïa "Big Mama"..




Natarajah is 25 years old. He is a warmblood chestnut gelding of unknown origin with Iberian and Anglo-Arabian influence born in 1999 and rescued in 2001, along with the survivors of a herd of horses. Most of the animals had died of hunger and thirst before the horror situation was discovered and the rest of the herd saved thanks to the French league for the protection of horses (LFPC - Ligue Française pour la Protection du Cheval).


The young horse was entrusted to Michel Larroche. Today, Natarajah enjoys his retirement life together with his sweetheart, his Naïa, and Biham, his god son.





Biham de Pegaso


Biham is son of the Comtoise coldblood mare Naïa and a Breton draught horse. When he was four months old, he was rescued together with his mother thanks to Matthieu Le Bocq's commitment to save abused animals. We adopted the foal and his mother and both conquered our hearts.


Biham is incredibly gentle !

You might think that he understands everything.


Biham is so happy when you take care of him ! He is extremely willing to cooperate, easy to ride, he hungers for activity and it would be wonderful if he could have more of it.






The history of Vuitchahpi is very special ! His name is special too, written in the French way to render how the Lakota word "wicapi" is pronounced. Wicapi means "star" in Lakota. And this is what he is.


The small, tender chestnut foal was born in July 2009 as the son of Marinero and the Lusitano mare Fugosa, who died too early as a result of highly acute Lyme disease.


From the first day of life, the little one had to be raised with the bottle and from his third day of life was a protégé of his uncle Lascar Lone Wolf. Despite being raised by another horse and being integrated into the herd, he never really understood that he is not really a human horse, and that humans are not horses either...


Vuitchahpi is fiery and playful. He was a promising saddle-horse, although very difficult to manage, but he was seriously injured while playing with his half-brother Enir. The bone and tendon rupture in his front hoof could not be operated on and leaves behind an occasional lameness that makes him "unfit for work". Vuitchâhpi is an early retiree at a young age and is our clown and mascot.








The noble chestnut gelding Salvo is a Lusitano-Arabian Cruzado. Many years ago, he came from cruel living conditions and was for sale at a dealer’s. There he had been noticed by a horseball sport rider. She was struck by his beauty and had bought him. When she realized that she had been ripped off and that her performance horse was actually handicapped with decreasing doping effect, she did everything she could to have him treated by the best specialists. However, a cure was not possible. So Salvo ended up with us in order to find through barefoot therapy a new life worth living.


The calculation worked out. Salvo is now 25 years old on the paper, but who is rather approaching 30 according to dental findings. He has become a good-spirited, well-integrated horse. He is rarely lame and that doesn't bother him in his retirement life. After initially becoming friends with Garpur, he shared his life for several years with his sweetheart, the black mare Olympe, who had a fatal heart attack on July 10, 2024, and left him in despair ...


… until he met Stássa …







A playful, cheeky, almost outrageously pretty blond-maned Icelandic chestnut mare, whose Icelandic name means "the quickfooted",  "the handsome" and fits her well!


Olympe had gone, leaving Salvo alone in his grief, and us in great anxiety for him. Then she came, Stássa: came, saw and conquered. With her, Salvo no longer has time to mourn, she takes care of him and makes sure that he gives her the attentions a princess deserves.

Stássa came to us from Germany, where she was the heart-horse of Bettina's daughter Lilli, both participants in L.ouley. In Germany,
Stássa's health was no longer good, a climate change was urgently recommended. The sea air has already worked wonders since her arrival in Louley.



Stássa is a dream horse for the activities in the horse forest. Thanks to her character and level of training, all children love her. Everybody loves her !




Gyr Khan


Gyr and his friend Garpur are both 30 years old and are now the oldest of the herd.


It can be said that Gyr became a living legend when he was still a young horse. His fire, courage, endurance, strength and sure-footedness have always amazed everyone who saw and knew him during his years of activity in the state forest of Hourtin.


Gyr is the heart horse of Marie-Jeanne, co-founder of the association. In order to preserve him she thought it was better to take him out of his environment, which always meant full power activity for him. Now he lives a peaceful retired life in Louley with his buddy Garpur, and the two of them have become inseperable.


Gyr Khan is extremely close to people and has a constant need for contact ... Anyone who wants to take care of him and Garpur is most welcome!


Gyr Khan




Garpur is a purebred Icelandic horse. His name means "hero" or "champion". Please note that Icelandic people don't like it at all when you call their Icelandic horses ponies ...



Garpur's psychological balance had been very badly affected by a late and unfortunate castration. Therefore he was entrusted to us for adoption as a completely disturbed animal, afraid of everything and everyone, especially of humans. Over time, he has not only discovered his place in the herd, but also a completely different meaning of man for him. In the meantime, he enjoys being taken care of, and he especially loves children.



Garpur and his friend Gyr Khan are now 30 years old. Since the former oldest horses of the horseforest flew to the land of our dreams, respectively at the age of 38, 37, 32 and 29 years, Gyr and Garpur are our oldest and we give them the best care hoping for them to stay with us for a long time !





Uva Mira


Uva Mira, a grey Iberian Cruzado mare, is daughter of the Lusitano mare Belica da Veiga and the Andalusian stallion Marineo XXI. When Belica  seperated from Marinero, she was so stressed that she couldn't breathe! So we ended up leaving them together and to our greatest joy the two gave us the chestnut foal Uva and the little black-brown Altaïr, who are today two wonderful grey mares.


Uva is also the heart horse of Lara, a young German rider who comes to Hourtin and visits her whenever she can.


Uva has a strong will, a cheerful, playful nature, and she would love to be taken care of exclusively all the time ! She loves to play, loves horseback riding, loves dressage. Just anything as long as it is something to share with her human.


Uva deserves to have an experienced rider take her out regularly and work with her in dressage. She is a performance cross-country horse and is often used by the mounted forest police.





Altaïr's mother, Belica, died when the filly was only four months old. Altaïre was brave and courageous and was raised by Gärpur and Lascar Lone Wolf, Gyr Khan’s and Belica’s son. Today, Altaïr is the mother of the beautiful filly Luz de las Estrellas, which means "starlight".


Altaïr is gentle and has a strong connection with people. Contact with humans is even more important to her than the herd! She needs constant attention and loves tactivities under the saddle. She has become one or Marie-Jeanne'sr heart horses and regularly stays in the state forest with her for patrols and security services.

Belica del Veiga & Bel'Altaïr

Altaïr & Luz de las Estrellas ...



As an explanation for those who didn't know this before: Horses are not born gray or white, that only happens to albinos. Grey horses are usually born as bays or chestnuts and become grey and even white over time. Some start to become greyish as foals. However, this is not to be confused with the graying of the old horses, as is the case with Garpur.


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